Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Its a weird feeling

I can't sleep tonight.
Something bothers me..
I rarely have this kinda feeling..
Mayb I did twice or few times in KTT before..
I felt the exact same feelin on17th August last time..
It was my bday..
Ya Allah.. I miss my family..
I couldn't express more of this feeling anywhere as I feel weaker, down, feeling like a useless brat, too dependent if they know about this..
I know no one would read this blog..
So I decided to pour it here..
I couldn't believe it myself..
Me, the Nur Akmal Ariff which I sort of call light of perfection..
Who's always excited for new adventure and now feeling something weird deep in her heart..
Missing her family..
I've nothing other than missing word which I could describe..
Ive never been away more than 3 weeks from my parents..
And now its already a month pass..
Im busy everyday..
Time flies fast..
We do contact, call, Skype but its never the same..
It wasn't the voice that matter.
Neither the action which is giving remarking feeling..
Its the presence..
I miss it when I answer their call from inside of my room..
I miss it when they ask me for breakfast..
When they knock my door and remind me for solah..
Called my name and asked for some help..
When we watch drama together and each one act like the director..
Serve them is like my aim everyday..
To give the best as what they have provided me..
Every time I gave them a call, umi will says
" bila ada cuti, nak balik, balik je la "
But how can that be possible for me?
She seems to sense of how much I miss her hug..
She always spare one for me everyday..
And kissing abah's hand for a good night wish..
They wanted to come..
But I don't wanna trouble them..
Its not easy to reach here..
Its not as comfortable as how you would travel to anywhere else..
At least until im familiarize with this area..
I want them to have the best visit here..
Every time I've sad stories I hold myself from shading tears in front of people..
I wanna seemed strong..
 " Tak macho la nangis "
That's my favourite quote before my eyes turn red most of the time..
But in front of You Allah..
I wish I could shade more..
I would cry more..
I miss umi and abah..
Umi always says :
" x pe ma.. ma ingat Allah eh.. buat apa2 pun kerana Allah eh.. jangan lupa solat.. doa selalu.. x pe la apa pun org buat kat kema ke.. kema niat kerana Allah je eh.. nk g mana2 jgn lupa baca doa.. "
And Abah always remind me :
" solat! jangan lupa baca doa abah ajar "
" be grateful of what Allah has given us..
wealth, health, happiness,
Why do we never thanks Him for all this?
Why do you keep doing the things He prohibited? "
Can't forget the day I departed
When everything turn to chaos
From somewhere Abah seems to walk fast
He gave me a packet of chocs
Its Bounty :')
One of my favourite
He says :
" take care of your meal "
I often get gastric and bloated stomach
However the best part is when..
I pass the departure gate, Kak Ain gave me a call..
She told me Abah ran to the chocs store becoz I didn't manage to have
my proper dinner that night..
When he reached Kak Ain, he told her :
" Ini bnda yang paling penting nak bg kat kema ni "
I haven't finish it..
I love it in a chilled way..
Gonna wait till winter..
huhuhu ^_^
Ya Allah as how they taught me to remember You
Please remember them
More than how I remember You in all my day
Please love them
More than how they could love me
Please bless them
More than how You bless me when I obey themselves
Please take a good care of them
More than you could ever know how they care about me
Please spare jannah for them
Even if Im not meant there
O Allah make me strong as how You made me before
Keep me positive as how You made it a gift before
Bring me the light as how You shown me the bulb
Stay with me as how You never leave
Save me as my Saviour
Accompany me as my beloved
Tell them I'm okay
Tell me they're okay
Im here for Allah, for them and for my passion
As  how I always express my passion,
the reason Im here for them can make thousand books of endless pages
compare the passion I've kept years in my heart
And for You with my soul in every heart beat
Make me a good Med Student O Allah
Make me a great doctor
Who serves the ummah
Spreading the smiles within The Syahadah
May Allah bless my family
Lots of blessful love to Al Nassir-ians

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