Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Friend Who Reminds You of Allah SWT is The Best Companions

WARNING!! If you feel like reading this story and start judging everyone in it, Remember! only Allah SWT is the best judge.. If you still do so, better don't even start reading it..
Read and take the moral values out of it..
Its all started in KTT..
A place where we met..
We started to become close..
Like sisters and we act like one too..
Our friendship is too perfect..
We never had any misunderstanding..
Its like she understand me like how I understand myself and vice versa..
We aren't too nice but never too wild..
Both are sometimes quite innocent in our own way.. hahaha
However, I take her as PERFECT..
Together we learn to know Him deeper..
The Almighty Allah SWT..
The more we get closer when we learn about ukhwahfillah..
We pray, We say, We care..
May Allah bring us together in Jannah one day..
Then I get into MPP..
Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar..
Its like a passion to me..
I started to get busy..
However I rarely skip class for any duty..
We still hv time together..
We eat ice creams..
Beli pisang goreng, keropok lekor makcik Gogo..
We still go jogging together..
Adequate time for curhat too.. hehehe
Then, Alhamdulillah she met a companion of her life "sort of" hahaha
May Allah bless them..
I respect him..
He's nice, he knows a lot about Islam..
Full of wisdom..
He always reminds her of Allah..
Their family knows about them..
InsyaAllah its a guided relationship..
As I get busy, He's always there for her..
At least, she wont feel the absence..
Nearly A2, we get more busy with me having juniors under my responsibility..
But ya, still not too busy to see her in the musolla everyday..
Jemaah together..
I put her as..
A friend who reminds us of Allah SWT is the best companion
Among all other, we know each other from our past Jahilliyah to our new understanding of Islam.. There's no boundaries for sharing in us.. We always wish that we'll stay sisters till Jannah..
Time flew and its the end of A Level~~
InsyaAllah she'll be flying to NZ and I'll be flying to India.. ^_^
3 months passes..
Its the day of result..
Alhamdulillah, 4A's 20 points..
All praises to Allah SWT.
And my parents start to do all the application for RCSI
(Royal College of Surgeon) intake..
They ask me to change to Ireland..
I told her about this..
And guess what..
Her parents also did the same to her..
She apply for Cork uni.. Her sister studies there..
Her application is accepted..
So do mine..
We're so excited..
However Allah has a better plan..
She's a MARA scholar..
MARA approves her appeal in changing the country..
But not mine..
I'm a JPA scholar..
Im bounded to India from the first day itself..
Its gonna take forever to change the clause..
The JPA officer ask me to stay..
India wasn't so bad itself..
So I made my decision of not changing..
Not even appeal of doing so..
KI started..
Again Im one of the MPP AGAIN..
And this time, Im the VP..
Things are getting busier..
Busy than I could ever imagine..
3 events per week..
Preparation, invitation, from A to Z..
While she starts working at an overseas study agency..
Both are getting busy..
However she does have holidays on weekends..
But im too busy preparing for next event..
I.. I myself creates a gap between us..
We rarely contact..
Every time she ask me for an outing, I could only say sorry..
Till now I'm sorry dear..
She even come to KTT, for Islam Awareness Week but I was busy preparing for another event of KI..
I know she's sensing all this..
I know she's hurt..
I know she's losing me..
I know..
I know..
But I did nothing..
I just wish she would understand that I wont be there for her forever..
Again, that's a mistake I did..
I only wish she could understand but I never try to..
Its never fair for her..
Im sorry..
KI has come to the end..
Now, Im free..
I wish I could make my time for her..
However it turns that she's too busy for me..
Its almost Ramadhan..
I ask her if we could do iftar together..
But she don't think its possible..
Its almost time for us to leave our family..
She told me that we should spend more time with our family..
So, I guess there's no chance of us meeting..
However she keep posting and saying that she miss me and adek so much..
I wish we could do something about that..
But I feel bad if I interrupt her family time..
I would like to have my own family time too..
I'll be flying a month earlier than herself..
Its few days before Ramadhan..
One day, I saw her post in FB..
An outing with her former schoolmate..
I was hurt..
But I know I made a mistake earlier..
I cant do anything other than keep it to myself..
The next day, I went for a program..
A Daurah..
With my juniors..
One of the topic touched was ukhwahfillah..
It reminds me of her..
How could her..
She says she missed us..
She can't make it to meet us..
In that emotional state, I send her a message in a way of public but only she would understands..
I know no one else will except for her..
I know her wisdom..
I know she'll get the message..
The next morning..
I received a FB message from her..
She's sorry but she's kinda pissed off because I made it public..
Well ya.. Its my mistake too.. hihihi
But im quite sure no one else would understand it except for her..
Maybe it was too clear for her..
hahahahaha ^_^
We're in a complicated state for few days..
Adek was a total clueless of what happen..
None of us, explain to her..
Poor adek..
Her stands was that she wanted to spend time with us but we're too busy..
Ya we are..
Then we're cool again..
hahahaha ;D It was a funny moment to remember..
I told her I don't wanna lose her..
We're not even in miles away, yet we've turn to broken pieces of memory..
We keep ourselves in touch..
Facebook-ing each other..
Few days before I fly..
We do communicate.. Texting.. I rarely reply her..
Was too busy celebrating raya..
Having all last moment before stepping to medical life and leave Malaysia..
I try to do my best as a sister, daughter, muslim..
She'll be flying too..
I assume she would understand this more than anyone else..
14th August 2013
Today is the day..
I'll be leaving Malaysia..
Leave my Family..
Everything seems not right..
Arrghhh... Cant think of anything..
She did text me..
Indeed many do.. I cant reply everyone..
Of course, relatives are the priority..
But, she did give me a call..
We manage to talk for few minutes.
I leave my house around 5.30 pm..
Reached KLIA around 6.30 pm..
I was the last student checking in.. hihihi :P
No sign of her yet.. Hurrmmm :(
Its Maghrib.. Everyone went for prayers..
I may take a longer moment as abah reminds me..
To perform solat sunat before leaving..
May Allah bless my journey..
When I went out from the musolla..
Everyone has started gathering on the stage..
Ya Allah.. Its almost time and I didn't even sit with my family yet..
And it turns out that my destination has changed..
At first I should be landing in Mumbai..
Then it's changed to Bangalore for transit and then to Pune..
On the day, few minutes before leaving everyone..
We're surprised by the change to Chennai then only to Pune..
Okay not a big deal at the first place..
We'll have guidance with us..
Then I met few of my schoolmates sending me off..
Thanks Istianah, Rasydan and Husnul..
Straight after that, I run to my family..
Only 5 min of a hindi sad, tears and onion scene.. hehehe
We leave to the departure gate..
I was stopped by my junior..
My adik usrah..
I wish u're doing fine dear..
As I reached the gate..
Everyone from other uni has left..
Only my uni mates waiting for me..
And this is the moment when everything shattered into broken glasses..
I was the one leading my group..
We're shocked by the most unexpected surprise..
We wont be having any guidance..
Our guidance accidently has bought different destination ticket..
His ticket is to Bangalore..
We're dead meat..
WAIT!!!! Let rewind few moment before this surprise came into the scene..
Yup.. She's there.. 
I was in hurry and she called my name..
I heard her as clear as strikes..
She holds my hand..
I return to her saying,
"Sorry but I cant talk to you right now"
and straight went to my group..
I know she was shocked..
I'll feel the same way if im her..
But everything went out of plan..
After few minutes briefing, JPA officer ask us to get into the gate..
I sneak out and went back, grab my parents hand..
Giving a big hug to my family..
Take my hand carry case and get down the gate..
It was so fast..
I cant believe it myself either..
As I reach down.. I remember her..
Where is SHE?
Ya Allah where is SHE?
I know the voice is real..
The touch wasn't an imagination..
She was there..
I looked up..
Everyone's waving at me..
My family, my schoolmates, all other KTTians friend, my adik usrah, juniors..
EVERYONE except for her..
I know it was her..
She promise me that she would come..
And I've HURT her..
HURT her to the most deep..
The only thing I can do is pray that whatever I'm thinking at that moment wasn't true..
Keep saying in my mind..
She'll understand..
I believe she'll..
We're always too perfect before..
However the chaos doesn't end there when one of my group mate just realize that she doesn't have her boarding pass from Chennai to Pune.. 
No guidance..
Loss boarding pass..
All 9 girls..
Panic attack..
And our gate for departure changes..
Almost get into wrong gate..
It wasn't the departure I always dream of everyday..
Alhamdulillah I've reached India..
Thing I do :
Call my family
Take care of myself and our group
Get some rest
Then we finally reach Pune, we've to wait for our guidance..
We reach Pune around 7 am and he arrives around 11.30 am
hurmmm =.=
We take bus to KIMSDU..
It takes around 4 hours of journey..
As we reach, settled down..
Bla.. Bla.. Bla..
Its my birthday on 17th..
Even this special day I turn out not to care at all..
The day I turn 20, seems like nothing happen..
Getting heartless..
We're busy like crazy..
As we start class..
We have exam every Saturday..
Viva almost every month..
My bb went stuck..
Gotta wait until Saturday to buy a new hp..
I remember of her, but cant find her number..
My hp is stuck..
Cant get her number..
Bought a new hp..
Use India number..
bb getting well..
Take her number..
Intended to surprise her..
She guess I was someone else..
I play the game of her trick until she's busted..
To the dead end she confess that she know it was me..
The picture in dp was quite obvious actually..
Okay, she ended the conversation in short..
I'm feeling the coldness in her messages..
SHE's huuuurrtttttt...
I mssge her on FB explaining everything..
At first she doesn't seems like forgiving me..
After I made her a full long tiring emotional essay..
Only then she really act like usual..
We start chatting again..
Laugh and be like how we always do..
I told her to tell me when she's about to fly..
That was last week..
At 9.00 pm India
11.30 pm Malaysia
I saw a post in FB from our KTTian friend on her wall saying good bye..
Study well..
Actually my housemate saw the post..
She asked me when is her flight exactly..
I told her it's impossible to be tonight..
She didn't say a word..
I give her a call and no one answer..
Its a voice mail box..
I don't feel good about this..
I call 'him'..
And this conversation, what make me writes tonight..
He told me that she has leaved..
He has just returned from sending her off..
I ask of why didn't he told me..???
He told me of how I never appreciated her..
How I hurt her..
Everything that I've done on her..
I hang up the phone..
I respected him..
And it turns to dust tonight..
A wise is blind by love..
Wisdom fooled by emotion..
MashaAllah, in the name of Allah..
I've hurt her on my departure day..
I wasn't hurt that she didn't tell me tonight..
Even if I knew, I cant even send her off at KLIA..
I was shocked..
As tonight, I've just bought her something online..
Her departure gift..
To be send to her house..
I know I didn't do well on my departure..
I wanted her to hv her departure in a good way..
Maybe she doesn't want to burden me..
She know I was too busy..
Or she might just wanna start a new life..
Leave all bitter memory behind..
U'll never have a chance reading this now..
U might be sleeping in ur flight..
I just wanted u to know..
How much I'm sorry..
Priya Roy Mdm did say,
"sorry wont made things better"
"Life is a reality without eraser"
May Allah bless you dear..
I love you for the name of Allah..
Till we meet again..
Im sure of that.. hahaha ^_^
Hv a safe flight..
Welcome to a medical student's life~
A friend once told me,
A friendship without torn, and only roses aren't true friendship..
Only by having more and more misunderstanding u'll know the person better..
Never Assume.. ASK :)
Never conclude, Investigate..
Wisdom is not enough by only having it..
There's only ONE in this whole world.. Whole life.. Which would love your sorry.. Which will never get bored hearing it in our prayers..
Allah SWT
This is a friendship story..
May this ukhwahfillah stay till jannah..
Among all, I only bring this note book with me to India
and its from you..
If you're reading this.. Im sorry.. Even u might hv get tired listening to it..
You are indeed a friend who reminds me of Allah SWT..
And I believe you're a best companion.. <3>
Proven I'm not really a good friend..
Sorry if I ever made this to anyone else too..
Assalamualaikum ^_^


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