Sunday, December 9, 2012


Assalamualaikum dearies, 

Last Friday, I watch a television show entitled HIDAYAH! Guess many people knew about it.. The topic discussed was kenapa jodoh lambat something like that. But that's not what I intended to share here, I mean its not the main point but it is important to know.

There were about 3 reasons mention, 1st is due to lack of social communication, 2nd, I kinda forgot what it is and the last one is being too perfectionist!

The main idea I'm bringing in is the perfectionist! In the show, they describe perfectionist as someone yang sentiasa nak semua benda jadi yang terbaik dan dia x boleh nak terima kekurangan orang lain.. All the time these type of people akan wonder kenapa orang lain x boleh jadi perfect macam mana diaorg boleh buat.. They will start to judge people and think others are stupid and dumb.. 

Then the ustaz proceed by describing a relationship, where you would not get someone which is perfect as your partner, you'll get someone which compliments you. Humans aren't perfect, but its our partner which compliments us and make a perfect family, InsyaAllah.. 

He also mention that, these perfectionist most of the time akan lebih berseorangan sebab diaorg x rasa orang lain layak utk berkawan dan lepak dengan dia.. At the end, the ustaz cerita sikit impact of being too perfection.. You'll be alone at last, and life is not about being the best all alone.. 

Take a deep look in this situation, why are we created by Allah at the first place? To be an abid, to be a khalifah.. Do you know all this? You don't? Refresh your Holy Quran, Surah Al Baqarah, ayat 30 and Surah Al Dzariyat ayat 56.. Being an abid, is taking care of our relationship with Allah while being a khalifah is about our relationship with humans.. therefore in this case, are these perfectionist apply these 2 objectives of living? 

 Yup, as muslims we need to be the best but not everyone can be as good as we are.. This topic actually reflect myself, where sometimes I never give a chance for someone else to do my job, or help me out as I believe that they can't do as good as how I can. But in the end, I'll be left alone and there's no more passion in doing the job. 

I realize even how perfection we believe we are, or how good we are.. We can never live alone.. We always need others in our lives.. Its good to be perfectionist but in a appropriate situation.. 

So, lets reflect ourselves.. Do we push others away for not being as good as we are? That's a question that each of us need to answer ^_^ 

xoxo nurakmalariff