Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's not just a story, It's an Experience..

Assalamualaikum.. As I mention before, I'll start to write again.. In my head now, there's like millions of word flying here and there.. Hmm, I'm quite confuse on which story to share..
KTT, I'll still have a half year there, so I'll share about it later.. Coz now, I have a better story to share.. As usual, for every single novel I read, I'll share about it.. I know its been a while since the last update on novels which I've read.. For these few months I've read novels by Sophie Kinsella and Emily Giffin.. *Im a slow reader anyway* hahaha :D

However, last week a friend gave me a novel as a present for my coming bday.. A novel which is priceless to me.. It's very meaningful to me and I think It suits me well.. the novel I'm talking about is Contengan Jalanan. It's a novel for Ramadhan <3

This novel consist of two parts, Fend and K-square.. Actually I've only finish Fend, hehehe but too excited to share.. The first part of the novel is a story about a guy name affendi *in short fend* he's an ordinary guy which loves music and a photografer as well.. One fine day, he met a girl name lia, which trigger him to think of a quote "the 11th hour" or to more correct, ' a man who decided to change on the 12th hour died on the 11th hour '..
During Aidid's wedding, Fend, Chad and Aidid gather and hang around reminding their childhood days.. Along the days in Perlis, Chad sound different and a bit serious sometimes which make fend and aidid feel worry.. He keep saying that money aren't anything even when fend says that he has a good job, now staying in Texas furthering his studies.. This makes fend feel weird and eager to know why?

Few day after Aidid's wedding, Fend went back to KL.. Out of no where, chad call him and ask fend to join him in a backpacking journey to Australia.. Yup, free tickets for fend, to and fro.. :) Fend was a bit shock and chad convince him to come a long.. They leave on the second week of Ramadhan..

As they reach Australia, chad tell fend about his idea of mosque hopping.. At first, fend dont feel comfortable with that idea, but he just get along as it's chad's idea to come to Australia from the start..

They stay there for a almost about 2 weeks.. They stay at Punchbowl Mosque and meet new friend Imam Zakariyya, Tok 'Abdul Kadir, Akmal, Bapak Tono and Brother Ade.. All of them have their own story of life.. Living there changes fend and chad 180', they do almost all of the things that they rarely do or never think of doing in their whole life..

A few days b4 coming back to Malaysia, fend ask chad what makes him take the first move of coming and do all these ? and chad answer in short, 'the 11th hour' .. That's a freaking goose bump for me and for fend too.. Then, they talk about the quotes..

When they went back to Malaysia, everyone are busy preparing for AidilFitri.. But as for them, it's sad coz Ramdhan is leaving.. They went back to Perlis together, celebrate AidilFitri.. okay... This is a momnt where i dont know how to write..

In the middle of the afternoon after Zuhur during the first day of raya, chad when out to look for ice for the drinks, suddenly there's a clash sound.. it disturbed everyone attention.. fend and tok went out to see what happen, its chad on tok's motorcycle being hit by a lorry.. the whole world like stop when i read that part.. a moment b4 chad went out, he tease fend, and fend like usual kinda ignore him.. its sad.. :|

Fend was very sad.. But he accept that fate that chad is a man who does not reach the 11th hour yet.. he changed on the 10th.. Alhamdulillah... :)

I know this post is a little bit long, i dont know how to simplify the story any shorter.. when u read this, u might not feel how i do when reading the novel.. so, it would be better for you to try read it yourself..

At the and of the first part, the writer wrote :
Ini hanya sekadar
contengan perasaan
contengan pengalaman
yang mungkin buat kamu bosan
Tiada plot, tiada seni
Bukan utk mereka
yang tidak mengerti
Ini; memori manusia-manusia itu
Ini; hantu masa laku

I heard of the quotes months before i knew the existance of this book.. To me reading is like a dejavu because KTT is like Australia to me.. And we're about to welcome Ramadhan.. It changes me.. And i hope it'll last for long.. InsyaAllah.. Now, I'll continue reading K-square story which is the 2nd part of the novel..

For anyone who's interested in reading this book, you can borrow it from me if you want by contacting me.. Sure you know how to find me right ? hahaha :D That's all for today, hmmm it's late already.. Nite peeps, Assalamualaikum <3

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